
Example Chatbot

Reviews for organizations and chatbot verification continue to be temporarily paused while we revise our processes. Reviews for Extensions and game ownership have resumed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

This example shows a simple bot that runs locally. The bot posts a get up and move message to the chat room at a set interval. It demonstrates how to connect to the Twitch IRC server, authenticate with the server, join a channel, and send and receive messages. The example uses this websocket package for Node.js, but you can grab your favorite websocket package and modify the example as needed.

How to set up and run the code

  1. Open a terminal window and create a folder named move-bot.
  2. Change to the move-bot folder.
  3. Enter npm init. Use move.js for the entry point.
  4. Enter npm install websocket.
  5. Grab your favorite IDE and create a file named move.js in the move-bot folder.
  6. Copy the example code below and paste it in the move.js file.
  7. Copy the example parser from Example Message Parser and use it to replace the stubbed parseMessage() function in the bot’s code (it’s at the end of the file).
  8. Back in the terminal window, enter node move.js


By default, the bot posts a get up and move message to the chat room at a set interval. You can change the interval by entering !move [interval], where interval is an integer in the range 1 through 60 (minutes). If you don’t specify an interval, it uses a default interval.

To turn off the bot, enter !moveoff.

Example code

#!/usr/bin/env node
const WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client;

const client = new WebSocketClient();
const channel = '#<channel>';  // Replace with your channel.
const account = '<account>';   // Replace with the account the bot runs as
const password = 'oauth:<your access token goes here>';

const moveMessage = 'Get up and move, your body will thank you!';
const defaultMoveInterval = 1000 * 60 * 1; // Set to 1 minute for testing.
let moveInterval = defaultMoveInterval;

client.on('connectFailed', function(error) {
    console.log('Connect Error: ' + error.toString());

client.on('connect', function(connection) {
    console.log('WebSocket Client Connected');

    // This is a simple bot that doesn't need the additional
    // Twitch IRC capabilities.

    // connection.sendUTF('CAP REQ');
    // Authenticate with the Twitch IRC server and then join the channel.
    // If the authentication fails, the server drops the connection.

    connection.sendUTF(`PASS ${password}`); 
    connection.sendUTF(`NICK ${account}`);

    // Set a timer to post future 'move' messages. This timer can be
    // reset if the user passes, !move [minutes], in chat.
    let intervalObj = setInterval(() => {
        connection.sendUTF(`PRIVMSG ${channel} :${moveMessage}`);
    }, moveInterval);
    connection.on('error', function(error) {
        console.log("Connection Error: " + error.toString());

    connection.on('close', function() {
        console.log('Connection Closed');
        console.log(`close description: ${connection.closeDescription}`);
        console.log(`close reason code: ${connection.closeReasonCode}`);


    // Process the Twitch IRC message.

    connection.on('message', function(ircMessage) {
        if (ircMessage.type === 'utf8') {
            let rawIrcMessage = ircMessage.utf8Data.trimEnd();
            console.log(`Message received (${new Date().toISOString()}): '${rawIrcMessage}'\n`);

            let messages = rawIrcMessage.split('\r\n');  // The IRC message may contain one or more messages.
            messages.forEach(message => {
                let parsedMessage = parseMessage(message);
                if (parsedMessage) {
                    // console.log(`Message command: ${parsedMessage.command.command}`);
                    // console.log(`\n${JSON.stringify(parsedMessage, null, 3)}`)

                    switch (parsedMessage.command.command) {
                        case 'PRIVMSG':
                            // Ignore all messages except the '!move' bot
                            // command. A user can post a !move command to change the 
                            // interval for when the bot posts its move message.

                            if ('move' === parsedMessage.command.botCommand) {
                                // Assumes the command's parameter is well formed (e.g., !move 15).

                                let updateInterval = (parsedMessage.command.botCommandParams) ?
                                    parseInt(parsedMessage.command.botCommandParams) * 1000 * 60 : defaultMoveInterval;

                                if (moveInterval != updateInterval) {
                                    // Valid range: 1 minute to 60 minutes
                                    if (updateInterval >= 60000 && updateInterval <= 3600000) {  
                                        moveInterval = updateInterval;

                                        // Reset the timer.
                                        intervalObj = null;
                                        intervalObj = setInterval(() => {
                                            connection.sendUTF(`PRIVMSG ${channel} :${moveMessage}`);
                                        }, moveInterval);
                            else if ('moveoff' === parsedMessage.command.botCommand) {
                                connection.sendUTF(`PART ${channel}`);
                        case 'PING':
                            connection.sendUTF('PONG ' + parsedMessage.parameters);
                        case '001':
                            // Successfully logged in, so join the channel.
                            connection.sendUTF(`JOIN ${channel}`); 
                        case 'JOIN':
                            // Send the initial move message. All other move messages are
                            // sent by the timer.
                            connection.sendUTF(`PRIVMSG ${channel} :${moveMessage}`);
                        case 'PART':
                            console.log('The channel must have banned (/ban) the bot.');
                        case 'NOTICE': 
                            // If the authentication failed, leave the channel.
                            // The server will close the connection.
                            if ('Login authentication failed' === parsedMessage.parameters) {
                                console.log(`Authentication failed; left ${channel}`);
                                connection.sendUTF(`PART ${channel}`);
                            else if ('You don’t have permission to perform that action' === parsedMessage.parameters) {
                                console.log(`No permission. Check if the access token is still valid. Left ${channel}`);
                                connection.sendUTF(`PART ${channel}`);
                            ; // Ignore all other IRC messages.


// Parses an IRC message and returns a JSON object with the message's 
// component parts (tags, source (nick and host), command, parameters). 
// Expects the caller to pass a single message. (Remember, the Twitch 
// IRC server may send one or more IRC messages in a single message.)

function parseMessage(message) {
    // Replace with the code from the Example Message Parser topic.