
Twitch-specific IRC Commands

Reviews for organizations and chatbot verification continue to be temporarily paused while we revise our processes. Reviews for Extensions and game ownership have resumed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Twitch IRC server sends your bot the following commands only if your bot requests the commands capability. For information about requesting the commands capability, see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities. Because the messages for these commands include minimum information, you should also request the tags capability to get a richer set of information.

Message Description
CLEARCHAT Sent when the bot or moderator removes all messages from the chat room or removes all messages for the specified user.
CLEARMSG Sent when the bot removes a single message from the chat room.
GLOBALUSERSTATE Sent after the bot authenticates with the server.
HOSTTARGET Sent when a channel starts or stops hosting viewers from another channel.
NOTICE Sent to indicate the outcome of an action like banning a user.
RECONNECT Sent when the Twitch IRC server needs to terminate the connection.
ROOMSTATE Sent when the bot joins a channel or when the channel’s chat settings change.
USERNOTICE Sent when events like someone subscribing to the channel occurs.
USERSTATE Sent when the bot joins a channel or sends a PRIVMSG message.
WHISPER Sent when a user sends a WHISPER message.


Sent when a moderator (or bot with moderator privileges) removes all messages from the chat room or removes all messages for the specified user.

The Twitch IRC server sends this message when:

Prototype CLEARCHAT #<channel> :<user>

Parameter Description
channel The name of the channel (chat room) where the messages were removed from.
user The login name of the user whose messages were removed from the chat room because they were banned or put in a timeout.


The following message indicates that all chat messages were removed from the dallas chat room. CLEARCHAT #dallas

The following message indicates that all chat messages that ronni posted in the dallas chat room were removed. CLEARCHAT #dallas :ronni

Adding tags to the CLEARCHAT message

To include additional information with the CLEARCHAT message, request the tags capability (see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities). For details about the tags that the CLEARCHAT message can include, see Twitch IRC tags.

The following example shows a CLEARCHAT message with tags.

@room-id=12345678;target-user-id=87654321;tmi-sent-ts=1642715756806 CLEARCHAT #dallas :ronni


Sent when a bot with moderator privileges deletes a single message from the chat room.

The Twitch IRC server sends this message when:

Prototype CLEARMSG #<channel> :<message>

Parameter Description
channel The name of the channel (chat room) where the message was removed from.
message The chat message that was removed.


The following message indicates that the specified chat message was removed from the dallas channel. CLEARMSG #dallas :HeyGuys

Adding tags to the CLEARMSG message

To include additional information with the CLEARMSG message, request the tags capability (see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities). For details about the tags that the CLEARMSG message can include, see Twitch IRC tags.

The following example shows a CLEARMSG message with tags.

@login=foo;room-id=;target-msg-id=94e6c7ff-bf98-4faa-af5d-7ad633a158a9;tmi-sent-ts=1642720582342 CLEARMSG #bar :what a great day


Sent after the bot successfully authenticates (by sending the PASS/NICK commands) with the server.



Adding tags to the GLOBALUSERSTATE message

As you can see from the example, the GLOBALUSERSTATE message on its own is not very useful. To include useful information with the GLOBALUSERSTATE message, request the tags capability (see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities). For details about the tags that the GLOBALUSERSTATE message can include, see Twitch IRC tags.

The following example shows a GLOBALUSERSTATE message with tags after dallas logged in.

@badge-info=subscriber/8;badges=subscriber/6;color=#0D4200;display-name=dallas;emote-sets=0,33,50,237,793,2126,3517,4578,5569,9400,10337,12239;turbo=0;user-id=12345678;user-type=admin GLOBALUSERSTATE


Sent when a channel starts or stops hosting viewers from another channel.

The Twitch IRC server sends this message when:

Prototype HOSTTARGET #<hosting-channel> :[-|<channel>] <number-of-viewers>

Parameter Description
- The channel is no longer hosting viewers.
channel The channel being hosted.
hosting-channel The channel that’s hosting the viewers.
number-of-viewers The number of viewers from <channel> that are watching the broadcast.


The following message indicates that channel abc is hosting channel xyz who has 10 viewers watching its broadcast. HOSTTARGET #abc :xyz 10

The following message indicates that channel abc is no longer hosting another channel. HOSTTARGET #abc :- 10

Adding tags to the HOSTTARGET message

There are no tags available for the HOSTTARGET message.


Sent to indicate the outcome of an action like banning a user.

The Twitch IRC server sends this message when:

Prototype NOTICE #<channel> :<message>

Parameter Description
channel The channel (chat room) where the action occurred.
message A message that describes the outcome of the action.


The following example shows that Twitch removed a message that foo posted to the bar chat room. NOTICE #bar :The message from foo is now deleted.

The following example shows that foo was banned from the bar chatroom. NOTICE #bar :foo is now banned from this channel.

Adding tags to the NOTICE message

To include additional information with the NOTICE message, request the tags capability (see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities). For details about the tags that the NOTICE message can include, see Twitch IRC tags.

The following example shows a NOTICE message with tags after Twitch removed a message that foo posted to the bar chat room. You can use the ID in the msg-id tag to determine the action’s outcome.

@msg-id=delete_message_success NOTICE #bar :The message from foo is now deleted.


Sent when the Twitch IRC server needs to terminate the connection for maintenance reasons. This gives your bot a chance to perform minimal clean up and save state before the server terminates the connection. The amount of time between receiving the message and the server closing the connection is indeterminate.

The normal course of action is to reconnect to the Twitch IRC server and rejoin the channels you were previously joined to prior to the server terminating the connection.


Adding tags to the RECONNECT message

There are no tags available for the RECONNECT message.


Sent when the bot joins a channel or when the channel’s chat settings change.

The Twitch IRC server sends this message when:

Prototype ROOMSTATE #<channel>

Parameter Description
channel The name of the channel (chat room) that the room state information applies to.

Example ROOMSTATE #bar

Adding tags to the ROOMSTATE message

To include additional information with the ROOMSTATE message, request the tags capability (see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities). For details about the tags that the ROOMSTATE message can include, see Twitch IRC tags.

The following example shows a ROOMSTATE message with tags after joining a channel.

@emote-only=0;followers-only=-1;r9k=0;rituals=0;room-id=12345678;slow=0;subs-only=0 ROOMSTATE #bar

The following example shows a ROOMSTATE message with tags after turning on the unique-chat chat setting.

@r9k=1;room-id=713936733 ROOMSTATE #bar


Sent when events like someone subscribing to the channel occurs.

The Twitch IRC server sends this message when:

Prototype USERNOTICE #<channel> :[<message>]

Parameter Description
channel The name of the channel that the event occurred in.
message Optional. The chat message that describes the event.


The following example shows the USERNOTICE sent after ronni resubscribed to the dallas channel. USERNOTICE #dallas :Great stream -- keep it up!

The following example shows the USERNOTICE sent after tww2 gifts a subscription to Mr_Woodchuck in forstycup’s channel. USERNOTICE #forstycup

Adding tags to the USERNOTICE message

As you can see from the examples, the USERNOTICE message on its own is not very useful. To include useful information with the USERNOTICE message, request the tags capability (see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities). For details about the tags that the USERNOTICE message can include, see Twitch IRC tags.

The following example shows a USERNOTICE message with tags after ronni resubscribed to the dallas channel.

@badge-info=;badges=staff/1,broadcaster/1,turbo/1;color=#008000;display-name=ronni;emotes=;id=db25007f-7a18-43eb-9379-80131e44d633;login=ronni;mod=0;msg-id=resub;msg-param-cumulative-months=6;msg-param-streak-months=2;msg-param-should-share-streak=1;msg-param-sub-plan=Prime;msg-param-sub-plan-name=Prime;room-id=12345678;subscriber=1;system-msg=ronni\shas\ssubscribed\sfor\s6\smonths!;tmi-sent-ts=1507246572675;turbo=1;user-id=87654321;user-type=staff USERNOTICE #dallas :Great stream -- keep it up!

The following example shows a USERNOTICE message with tags after tww2 gifts a subscription to Mr_Woodchuck in forstycup’s channel.

@badge-info=;badges=staff/1,premium/1;color=#0000FF;display-name=TWW2;emotes=;id=e9176cd8-5e22-4684-ad40-ce53c2561c5e;login=tww2;mod=0;msg-id=subgift;msg-param-months=1;msg-param-recipient-display-name=Mr_Woodchuck;msg-param-recipient-id=55554444;msg-param-recipient-name=mr_woodchuck;msg-param-sub-plan-name=House\sof\sNyoro~n;msg-param-sub-plan=1000;room-id=12345678;subscriber=0;system-msg=TWW2\sgifted\sa\sTier\s1\ssub\sto\sMr_Woodchuck!;tmi-sent-ts=1521159445153;turbo=0;user-id=87654321;user-type=staff USERNOTICE #forstycup


Sent when the bot joins a channel or sends a PRIVMSG message.

Prototype USERSTATE #<channel>

Parameter Description
channel The name of the channel that the bot joined or sent a PRIVMSG in.

Example USERSTATE #dallas

Adding tags to the USERSTATE message

As you can see from the example, the USERSTATE message on its own is not very useful. To include useful information with the USERSTATE message, request the tags capability (see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities). For details about the tags that the USERSTATE message can include, see Twitch IRC tags.

The following example shows a USERSTATE message with tags after ronni joins the dallas channel.

@badge-info=;badges=staff/1;color=#0D4200;display-name=ronni;emote-sets=0,33,50,237,793,2126,3517,4578,5569,9400,10337,12239;mod=1;subscriber=1;turbo=1;user-type=staff USERSTATE #dallas


Sent when a WHISPER message is directed specifically to your bot. Your bot will never receive whispers sent to other users.


:<to-user>!<to-user>@<to-user> WHISPER <from-user> :<message>

Parameter Description
from-user The user that’s sending the whisper message.
to-user The user that’s receiving the whisper message.


The following example shows that the user foo sent a hello whisper message to the bot petsgomoo.

:petsgomoo! WHISPER foo :hello

Adding tags to the WHISPER message

To include other useful information with the WHISPER message, request the tags capability (see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities). For details about the tags that the WHISPER message can include, see Twitch IRC tags.

The following example shows the same WHISPER message shown above but with tags.

@badges=staff/1,bits-charity/1;color=#8A2BE2;display-name=PetsgomOO;emotes=;message-id=306;thread-id=12345678_87654321;turbo=0;user-id=87654321;user-type=staff :petsgomoo! WHISPER foo :hello