
Example Message Parser

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The following example shows a simple parser that the example bot uses to parse Twitch IRC messages. The example parses many but not all of the Twitch messages and tags and is only meant to give you an idea of how to access the parts of a message. For an example of the JSON object the parser returns, see Parser output.

// Parses an IRC message and returns a JSON object with the message's 
// component parts (tags, source (nick and host), command, parameters). 
// Expects the caller to pass a single message. (Remember, the Twitch 
// IRC server may send one or more IRC messages in a single message.)

function parseMessage(message) {

    let parsedMessage = {  // Contains the component parts.
        tags: null,
        source: null,
        command: null,
        parameters: null

    // The start index. Increments as we parse the IRC message.

    let idx = 0; 

    // The raw components of the IRC message.

    let rawTagsComponent = null;
    let rawSourceComponent = null; 
    let rawCommandComponent = null;
    let rawParametersComponent = null;

    // If the message includes tags, get the tags component of the IRC message.

    if (message[idx] === '@') {  // The message includes tags.
        let endIdx = message.indexOf(' ');
        rawTagsComponent = message.slice(1, endIdx);
        idx = endIdx + 1; // Should now point to source colon (:).

    // Get the source component (nick and host) of the IRC message.
    // The idx should point to the source part; otherwise, it's a PING command.

    if (message[idx] === ':') {
        idx += 1;
        let endIdx = message.indexOf(' ', idx);
        rawSourceComponent = message.slice(idx, endIdx);
        idx = endIdx + 1;  // Should point to the command part of the message.

    // Get the command component of the IRC message.

    let endIdx = message.indexOf(':', idx);  // Looking for the parameters part of the message.
    if (-1 == endIdx) {                      // But not all messages include the parameters part.
        endIdx = message.length;                 

    rawCommandComponent = message.slice(idx, endIdx).trim();

    // Get the parameters component of the IRC message.

    if (endIdx != message.length) {  // Check if the IRC message contains a parameters component.
        idx = endIdx + 1;            // Should point to the parameters part of the message.
        rawParametersComponent = message.slice(idx);

    // Parse the command component of the IRC message.

    parsedMessage.command = parseCommand(rawCommandComponent);

    // Only parse the rest of the components if it's a command
    // we care about; we ignore some messages.

    if (null == parsedMessage.command) {  // Is null if it's a message we don't care about.
        return null; 
    else {
        if (null != rawTagsComponent) {  // The IRC message contains tags.
            parsedMessage.tags = parseTags(rawTagsComponent);

        parsedMessage.source = parseSource(rawSourceComponent);

        parsedMessage.parameters = rawParametersComponent;
        if (rawParametersComponent && rawParametersComponent[0] === '!') {  
            // The user entered a bot command in the chat window.            
            parsedMessage.command = parseParameters(rawParametersComponent, parsedMessage.command);

    return parsedMessage;

// Parses the tags component of the IRC message.

function parseTags(tags) {
    // badge-info=;badges=broadcaster/1;color=#0000FF;...

    const tagsToIgnore = {  // List of tags to ignore.
        'client-nonce': null,
        'flags': null

    let dictParsedTags = {};  // Holds the parsed list of tags.
                              // The key is the tag's name (e.g., color).
    let parsedTags = tags.split(';'); 

    parsedTags.forEach(tag => {
        let parsedTag = tag.split('=');  // Tags are key/value pairs.
        let tagValue = (parsedTag[1] === '') ? null : parsedTag[1];

        switch (parsedTag[0]) {  // Switch on tag name
            case 'badges':
            case 'badge-info':
                // badges=staff/1,broadcaster/1,turbo/1;

                if (tagValue) {
                    let dict = {};  // Holds the list of badge objects.
                                    // The key is the badge's name (e.g., subscriber).
                    let badges = tagValue.split(','); 
                    badges.forEach(pair => {
                        let badgeParts = pair.split('/');
                        dict[badgeParts[0]] = badgeParts[1];
                    dictParsedTags[parsedTag[0]] = dict;
                else {
                    dictParsedTags[parsedTag[0]] = null;
            case 'emotes':
                // emotes=25:0-4,12-16/1902:6-10

                if (tagValue) {
                    let dictEmotes = {};  // Holds a list of emote objects.
                                          // The key is the emote's ID.
                    let emotes = tagValue.split('/');
                    emotes.forEach(emote => {
                        let emoteParts = emote.split(':');

                        let textPositions = [];  // The list of position objects that identify
                                                 // the location of the emote in the chat message.
                        let positions = emoteParts[1].split(',');
                        positions.forEach(position => {
                            let positionParts = position.split('-');
                                startPosition: positionParts[0],
                                endPosition: positionParts[1]    

                        dictEmotes[emoteParts[0]] = textPositions;

                    dictParsedTags[parsedTag[0]] = dictEmotes;
                else {
                    dictParsedTags[parsedTag[0]] = null;

            case 'emote-sets':
                // emote-sets=0,33,50,237

                let emoteSetIds = tagValue.split(',');  // Array of emote set IDs.
                dictParsedTags[parsedTag[0]] = emoteSetIds;
                // If the tag is in the list of tags to ignore, ignore
                // it; otherwise, add it.

                if (tagsToIgnore.hasOwnProperty(parsedTag[0])) { 
                else {
                    dictParsedTags[parsedTag[0]] = tagValue;

    return dictParsedTags;

// Parses the command component of the IRC message.

function parseCommand(rawCommandComponent) {
    let parsedCommand = null;
    commandParts = rawCommandComponent.split(' ');

    switch (commandParts[0]) {
        case 'JOIN':
        case 'PART':
        case 'NOTICE':
        case 'CLEARCHAT':
        case 'HOSTTARGET':
        case 'PRIVMSG':
            parsedCommand = {
                command: commandParts[0],
                channel: commandParts[1]
        case 'PING':
            parsedCommand = {
                command: commandParts[0]
        case 'CAP':
            parsedCommand = {
                command: commandParts[0],
                isCapRequestEnabled: (commandParts[2] === 'ACK'),
                // The parameters part of the messages contains the 
                // enabled capabilities.
        case 'GLOBALUSERSTATE':  // Included only if you request the /commands capability.
                                 // But it has no meaning without also including the /tags capability.
            parsedCommand = {
                command: commandParts[0]
        case 'USERSTATE':   // Included only if you request the /commands capability.
        case 'ROOMSTATE':   // But it has no meaning without also including the /tags capabilities.
            parsedCommand = {
                command: commandParts[0],
                channel: commandParts[1]
        case 'RECONNECT':  
            console.log('The Twitch IRC server is about to terminate the connection for maintenance.')
            parsedCommand = {
                command: commandParts[0]
        case '421':
            console.log(`Unsupported IRC command: ${commandParts[2]}`)
            return null;
        case '001':  // Logged in (successfully authenticated). 
            parsedCommand = {
                command: commandParts[0],
                channel: commandParts[1]
        case '002':  // Ignoring all other numeric messages.
        case '003':
        case '004':
        case '353':  // Tells you who else is in the chat room you're joining.
        case '366':
        case '372':
        case '375':
        case '376':
            console.log(`numeric message: ${commandParts[0]}`)
            return null;
            console.log(`\nUnexpected command: ${commandParts[0]}\n`);
            return null;

    return parsedCommand;

// Parses the source (nick and host) components of the IRC message.

function parseSource(rawSourceComponent) {
    if (null == rawSourceComponent) {  // Not all messages contain a source
        return null;
    else {
        let sourceParts = rawSourceComponent.split('!');
        return {
            nick: (sourceParts.length == 2) ? sourceParts[0] : null,
            host: (sourceParts.length == 2) ? sourceParts[1] : sourceParts[0]

// Parsing the IRC parameters component if it contains a command (e.g., !dice).

function parseParameters(rawParametersComponent, command) {
    let idx = 0
    let commandParts = rawParametersComponent.slice(idx + 1).trim(); 
    let paramsIdx = commandParts.indexOf(' ');

    if (-1 == paramsIdx) { // no parameters
        command.botCommand = commandParts.slice(0); 
    else {
        command.botCommand = commandParts.slice(0, paramsIdx); 
        command.botCommandParams = commandParts.slice(paramsIdx).trim();
        // TODO: remove extra spaces in parameters string

    return command;

Parser output

The following examples show the JSON object that the parser returns for the given message.




   "tags": null,
   "source": null,
   "command": {
      "command": "PING"
   "parameters": ""


@badges=staff/1,broadcaster/1,turbo/1;color=#FF0000;display-name=PetsgomOO;emote-only=1;emotes=33:0-7;flags=0-7:A.6/P.6,25-36:A.1/I.2;id=c285c9ed-8b1b-4702-ae1c-c64d76cc74ef;mod=0;room-id=81046256;subscriber=0;turbo=0;tmi-sent-ts=1550868292494;user-id=81046256;user-type=staff :petsgomoo! PRIVMSG #petsgomoo :DansGame


   "tags": {
      "badges": {
         "staff": "1",
         "broadcaster": "1",
         "turbo": "1"
      "color": "#FF0000",
      "display-name": "PetsgomOO",
      "emote-only": "1",
      "emotes": {
         "33": [
               "startPosition": "0",
               "endPosition": "7"
      "id": "c285c9ed-8b1b-4702-ae1c-c64d76cc74ef",
      "mod": "0",
      "room-id": "81046256",
      "subscriber": "0",
      "turbo": "0",
      "tmi-sent-ts": "1550868292494",
      "user-id": "81046256",
      "user-type": "staff"
   "source": {
      "nick": "petsgomoo",
      "host": ""
   "command": {
      "command": "PRIVMSG",
      "channel": "#petsgomoo"
   "parameters": "DansGame"


:lovingt3s! PRIVMSG #lovingt3s :!dilly


   "tags": null,
   "source": {
      "nick": "lovingt3s",
      "host": ""
   "command": {
      "command": "PRIVMSG",
      "channel": "#lovingt3s",
      "botCommand": "dilly"
   "parameters": "!dilly"