
Twitch IRC Membership Commands

Reviews for organizations and chatbot verification continue to be temporarily paused while we revise our processes. Reviews for Extensions and game ownership have resumed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Twitch IRC server sends your bot the following messages only if your bot requests the membership capability. For information about requesting the membership capability, see Requesting Twitch-specific capabilities.

Message Description
JOIN A user joined the chat room.
PART A user left the chat room.

NOTE Your bot receives a JOIN message for itself even if you don’t request membership capabilities.

NOTE Your bot won’t receive the JOIN and PART messages if the chat room contains more that 1,000 users.


This is the standard JOIN message that you receive when a user joins the chat room.


:<user>!<user>@<user> JOIN #<channel>

Parameter Description
channel The name of the channel (char room) that the user joined.
user The login name of the user that joined the chat room.


The following example shows that ronni joined the dallas chat room.

:ronni! JOIN #dallas


This is the standard PART message that you receive when a user leaves a chat room.


:<user>!<user>@<user> PART #<channel>

Parameter Description
channel The name of the channel (chat room) that the user left.
user The login name of the user that left the chat room.


The following example shows that ronni left the dallas chat room.

:ronni! PART #dallas