
NOTICE Message IDs

Reviews for organizations and chatbot verification continue to be temporarily paused while we revise our processes. Reviews for Extensions and game ownership have resumed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

If you request the tags capability, the NOTICE message includes the msg-id tag (see NOTICE message tags). The following table lists the symbolic constants that the msg-id tag may be set to when the Twitch IRC server sends you a NOTICE message.

Msg-Id Message
already_banned <user> is already banned in this channel.
already_emote_only_off This room is not in emote-only mode.
already_emote_only_on This room is already in emote-only mode.
already_followers_off This room is not in followers-only mode.
already_followers_on This room is already in <duration> followers-only mode.
already_r9k_off This room is not in unique-chat mode.
already_r9k_on This room is already in unique-chat mode.
already_slow_off This room is not in slow mode.
already_slow_on This room is already in <duration>-second slow mode.
already_subs_off This room is not in subscribers-only mode.
already_subs_on This room is already in subscribers-only mode.
autohost_receive <user> is now auto hosting you for up to <number> viewers.
bad_ban_admin You cannot ban admin <user>. Please email if an admin is being abusive.
bad_ban_anon You cannot ban anonymous users.
bad_ban_broadcaster You cannot ban the broadcaster.
bad_ban_mod You cannot ban moderator <user> unless you are the owner of this channel.
bad_ban_self You cannot ban yourself.
bad_ban_staff You cannot ban a staff <user>. Please email if a staff member is being abusive.
bad_commercial_error Failed to start the commercial.
bad_delete_message_broadcaster You cannot delete the broadcaster’s messages.
bad_delete_message_mod You cannot delete messages from another moderator <user>.
bad_host_error There was a problem hosting <channel>. Please try again in a minute.
bad_host_hosting This channel is already hosting <channel>.
bad_host_rate_exceeded Host target cannot be changed more than <number> times every half hour.
bad_host_rejected This channel is unable to be hosted.
bad_host_self A channel cannot host itself.
bad_mod_banned <user> is banned in this channel. You must unban this user before granting mod status.
bad_mod_mod <user> is already a moderator of this channel.
bad_slow_duration You cannot set slow delay to more than <number> seconds.
bad_timeout_admin You cannot timeout admin <user>. Please email if an admin is being abusive.
bad_timeout_anon You cannot timeout anonymous users.
bad_timeout_broadcaster You cannot timeout the broadcaster.
bad_timeout_duration You cannot time a user out for more than <seconds>.
bad_timeout_mod You cannot timeout moderator <user> unless you are the owner of this channel.
bad_timeout_self You cannot timeout yourself.
bad_timeout_staff You cannot timeout staff <user>. Please email if a staff member is being abusive.
bad_unban_no_ban <user> is not banned from this channel.
bad_unhost_error There was a problem exiting host mode. Please try again in a minute.
bad_unmod_mod <user> is not a moderator of this channel.
bad_vip_grantee_banned <user> is banned in this channel. You must unban this user before granting VIP status.
bad_vip_grantee_already_vip <user> is already a VIP of this channel.
bad_vip_max_vips_reached Unable to add VIP. Visit the Achievements page on your dashboard to learn how to unlock additional VIP slots.
bad_vip_achievement_incomplete Unable to add VIP. Visit the Achievements page on your dashboard to learn how to unlock this feature.
bad_unvip_grantee_not_vip <user> is not a VIP of this channel.
ban_success <user> is now banned from this channel.
cmds_available Commands available to you in this room (use /help for details): <list of commands> More help:
color_changed Your color has been changed.
commercial_success Initiating <number> second commercial break. Keep in mind that your stream is still live and not everyone will get a commercial.
delete_message_success The message from <user> is now deleted.
delete_staff_message_success You deleted a message from staff <user>. Please email if a staff member is being abusive.
emote_only_off This room is no longer in emote-only mode.
emote_only_on This room is now in emote-only mode.
followers_off This room is no longer in followers-only mode.
followers_on This room is now in <duration> followers-only mode.
followers_on_zero This room is now in followers-only mode.
host_off Exited host mode.
host_on Now hosting <channel>.
host_receive <channel> is now hosting you for up to <number> viewers.
host_receive_no_count <channel> is now hosting you.
host_target_went_offline <channel> has gone offline. Exiting host mode.
hosts_remaining <number> host commands remaining this half hour.
invalid_user Invalid username: <user>
mod_success You have added <user> as a moderator of this channel.
msg_banned You are permanently banned from talking in <channel>.
msg_bad_characters Your message was not sent because it contained too many unprocessable characters. If you believe this is an error, please rephrase and try again.
msg_channel_blocked Your message was not sent because your account is not in good standing in this channel.
msg_channel_suspended This channel does not exist or has been suspended.
msg_duplicate Your message was not sent because it is identical to the previous one you sent, less than 30 seconds ago.
msg_emoteonly This room is in emote-only mode. You can find your currently available emoticons using the smiley in the chat text area.
msg_followersonly This room is in <duration> followers-only mode. Follow <channel> to join the community! Note: These msg_followers tags are kickbacks to a user who does not meet the criteria; that is, does not follow or has not followed long enough.
msg_followersonly_followed This room is in <duration1> followers-only mode. You have been following for <duration2>. Continue following to chat!
msg_followersonly_zero This room is in followers-only mode. Follow <channel> to join the community!
msg_r9k This room is in unique-chat mode and the message you attempted to send is not unique.
msg_ratelimit Your message was not sent because you are sending messages too quickly.
msg_rejected Hey! Your message is being checked by mods and has not been sent.
msg_rejected_mandatory Your message wasn’t posted due to conflicts with the channel’s moderation settings.
msg_requires_verified_phone_number A verified phone number is required to chat in this channel. Please visit to verify your phone number.
msg_slowmode This room is in slow mode and you are sending messages too quickly. You will be able to talk again in <number> seconds.
msg_subsonly This room is in subscribers only mode. To talk, purchase a channel subscription at<broadcaster login name>/ticket?ref=subscriber_only_mode_chat.
msg_suspended You don’t have permission to perform that action.
msg_timedout You are timed out for <number> more seconds.
msg_verified_email This room requires a verified account to chat. Please verify your account at
no_help No help available.
no_mods There are no moderators of this channel.
no_vips This channel does not have any VIPs.
not_hosting No channel is currently being hosted.
no_permission You don’t have permission to perform that action.
r9k_off This room is no longer in unique-chat mode.
r9k_on This room is now in unique-chat mode.
raid_error_already_raiding You already have a raid in progress.
raid_error_forbidden You cannot raid this channel.
raid_error_self A channel cannot raid itself.
raid_error_too_many_viewers Sorry, you have more viewers than the maximum currently supported by raids right now.
raid_error_unexpected There was a problem raiding <channel>. Please try again in a minute.
raid_notice_mature This channel is intended for mature audiences.
raid_notice_restricted_chat This channel has follower- or subscriber-only chat.
room_mods The moderators of this channel are: <list of users>
slow_off This room is no longer in slow mode.
slow_on This room is now in slow mode. You may send messages every <number> seconds.
subs_off This room is no longer in subscribers-only mode.
subs_on This room is now in subscribers-only mode.
timeout_no_timeout <user> is not timed out from this channel.
timeout_success <user> has been timed out for <duration>.
tos_ban The community has closed channel <channel> due to Terms of Service violations.
turbo_only_color Only turbo users can specify an arbitrary hex color. Use one of the following instead: <list of colors>.
unavailable_command Sorry, “<command>” is not available through this client.
unban_success <user> is no longer banned from this channel.
unmod_success You have removed <user> as a moderator of this channel.
unraid_error_no_active_raid You do not have an active raid.
unraid_error_unexpected There was a problem stopping the raid. Please try again in a minute.
unraid_success The raid has been canceled.
unrecognized_cmd Unrecognized command: <command>
untimeout_banned <user> is permanently banned. Use “/unban” to remove a ban.
untimeout_success <user> is no longer timed out in this channel.
unvip_success You have removed <user> as a VIP of this channel.
usage_ban Usage: “/ban <username> [reason]” Permanently prevent a user from chatting. Reason is optional and will be shown to the target and other moderators. Use “/unban” to remove a ban.
usage_clear Usage: “/clear”
Clear chat history for all users in this room.
usage_color Usage: “/color” <color>
Change your username color. Color must be in hex (#000000) or one of the following: <list of colors>.
usage_commercial Usage: “/commercial [length]”
Triggers a commercial. Length (optional) must be a positive number of seconds.
usage_disconnect Usage: “/disconnect”
Reconnects to chat.
usage_delete Usage: “/delete <msg id>” - Deletes the specified message. For more information, see
usage_emote_only_off Usage: /emoteonlyoff”
Disables emote-only mode.
usage_emote_only_on Usage: “/emoteonly”
Enables emote-only mode (only emoticons may be used in chat). Use /emoteonlyoff to disable.
usage_followers_off Usage: /followersoff”
Disables followers-only mode.
usage_followers_on Usage: “/followers
Enables followers-only mode (only users who have followed for “duration” may chat). Examples: “30m”, “1 week”, “5 days 12 hours”. Must be less than 3 months.
usage_help Usage: “/help”
Lists the commands available to you in this room.
usage_host Usage: “/host <channel>“
Host another channel. Use “/unhost” to unset host mode.
usage_marker Usage: “/marker <optional comment>“
Adds a stream marker (with an optional comment, max 140 characters) at the current timestamp. You can use markers in the Highlighter for easier editing.
usage_me Usage: “/me <message>” - Express an action in the third-person.
usage_mod Usage: “/mod <username>” - Grant moderator status to a user. Use “/mods” to list the moderators of this channel.
usage_mods Usage: “/mods”
Lists the moderators of this channel.
usage_r9k_off Usage: “/uniquechatoff” - Disables unique-chat mode.
usage_r9k_on Usage: “/uniquechat” - Enables unique-chat mode. Use “/uniquechatoff” to disable.
usage_raid Usage: “/raid <channel>“
Raid another channel.
Use “/unraid” to cancel the Raid.
usage_slow_off Usage: “/slowoff”
Disables slow mode.
usage_slow_on Usage: “/slow” [duration]
Enables slow mode (limit how often users may send messages). Duration (optional, default=<number>) must be a positive integer number of seconds.
Use “/slowoff” to disable.
usage_subs_off Usage: “/subscribersoff”
Disables subscribers-only mode.
usage_subs_on Usage: “/subscribers”
Enables subscribers-only mode (only subscribers may chat in this channel).
Use “/subscribersoff” to disable.
usage_timeout Usage: “/timeout <username> [duration][time unit] [reason]”
Temporarily prevent a user from chatting. Duration (optional, default=10 minutes) must be a positive integer; time unit (optional, default=s) must be one of s, m, h, d, w; maximum duration is 2 weeks. Combinations like 1d2h are also allowed. Reason is optional and will be shown to the target user and other moderators.
Use “untimeout” to remove a timeout.
usage_unban Usage: “/unban <username>“
Removes a ban on a user.
usage_unhost Usage: “/unhost”
Stop hosting another channel.
usage_unmod Usage: “/unmod <username>” - Revoke moderator status from a user. Use “/mods” to list the moderators of this channel.
usage_unraid Usage: “/unraid”
Cancel the Raid.
usage_untimeout Usage: “/untimeout <username>“
Removes a timeout on a user.
usage_unvip Usage: “/unvip <username>” - Revoke VIP status from a user. Use “/vips” to list the VIPs of this channel.
usage_user Usage: “/user” <username> - Display information about a specific user on this channel.
usage_vip Usage: “/vip <username>” - Grant VIP status to a user. Use “/vips” to list the VIPs of this channel.
usage_vips Usage: “/vips” - Lists the VIPs of this channel.
usage_whisper Usage: “/w <username> <message>”
vip_success You have added <user> as a vip of this channel.
vips_success The VIPs of this channel are: <list of users>.
whisper_banned You have been banned from sending whispers.
whisper_banned_recipient That user has been banned from receiving whispers.
whisper_invalid_login No user matching that username.
whisper_invalid_self You cannot whisper to yourself.
whisper_limit_per_min You are sending whispers too fast. Try again in a minute.
whisper_limit_per_sec You are sending whispers too fast. Try again in a second.
whisper_restricted Your settings prevent you from sending this whisper.
whisper_restricted_recipient That user’s settings prevent them from receiving this whisper.