
Generating mock data and starting the server

NOTE: The mock-api command is in open beta. Please file all issues and bugs using GitHub Issues.

Use the mock-api command to create mock data and a mock server that you can use to develop and test your application.

Generating the data

To generate mock data, use the generate sub-command. This command generates the specified number of users and related resources, such as subscriptions, streams, and teams, locally.

By default, generate creates mock data for 10 users.

% twitch mock-api generate

If the default number of users is sufficient, you don’t need to run generate because running start will automatically generate the mock data for you, if it hasn’t already been generated.

To specify a different number of users, use the –count (-c) flag. Remember, when specifying a larger number of users, the data is stored locally .

% twitch mock-api generate -c 6

The following terminal output shows what generate returns. The output identifies the user with partner privileges that it created, and the client ID it registered for you. Don’t worry about capturing this information because you can get it later.

2021/10/15 08:38:40 Creating categories...
2021/10/15 08:38:40 Creating users...
2021/10/15 08:38:40 Creating team...
2021/10/15 08:38:40 Creating channel points rewards and redemptions, follows, blocks, mods, bans, editors, and team members...
2021/10/15 08:38:40 Creating streams...
2021/10/15 08:38:40 Creating tags...
2021/10/15 08:38:40 Creating stream tags, videos, clips, and stream markers...
2021/10/15 08:38:40 User ID 29405430 has all applicable units (streams, subs, and the like) and is a partner for use with the API
2021/10/15 08:38:40 Created Client. Details:
Client-ID: cb7b5eba670c41fa757410b811601b
Secret: f40fbf26d4e2c20de5772e4408589c
Name: Mock API Client
2021/10/15 08:38:40 Created authorization with token 2056dbbed991d96
2021/10/15 08:38:40 Finished generation.

Note that if you run generate multiple times, it appends the data instead of overwriting it.

Removing mock data

To remove the mock data:

Discovering the mock data

To discover the mock data that generate creates for you, send the following GET requests:

The base URI for these requests is: http://localhost:8080/units. The requests do not require an access token or client ID, and they return all mock data for the resource. For an example, see Getting your client ID and secret.

Starting the server

To start the mock data server, use the start sub-command. If you haven’t already used the generate sub-command to create the mock data, start generates the mock data with 10 users.

The following example shows how to start the server.

% twitch mock-api start 

The server writes each request that you send:

2021/10/15 09:06:03 Starting mock API server on http://localhost:8080
2021/10/15 09:06:03 Mock server started
2021/10/15 09:32:22 GET /units/clients
2021/10/15 10:01:54 POST /auth/authorize
2021/10/15 10:03:39 POST /auth/token
2021/10/15 10:30:15 GET /mock/users

Changing the port

The default port that the server uses is 8080. To change the port number, include the -p flag.

% twitch mock-api start -p 8000

Stopping the server

To stop the server, enter <ctrl+c>.

Calling Twitch API endpoints

The mock server replicates a majority of the Twitch API endpoints except for endpoints related to:

It is possible that the mock server may get out of sync with the Twitch production API. If you notice an issue, please raise it in GitHub Issues.

To call the mock APIs, replace the Twitch API’s base URI, with http://localhost:8080/mock.

Just like with the Twitch APIs, the mock APIs require an access token. For information about getting an access token, see Getting an access token.

The following example shows how to get information about a user.

curl -i -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/mock/users?id=29405430' \
-H 'Client-Id: cb7b5eba670c41fa757410b811601b' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ebf5a366721754b'

And this example shows how update a user. Remember to URL-encode the query parameters.

curl -i -X PUT 'http://localhost:8080/mock/users?description=my%20really%20cool%20channel%202' \
-H 'Client-Id: cb7b5eba670c41fa757410b811601b' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 03040b246f7f6bc'

Getting an access token

The mock API supports getting an OAuth app access token and a user access token, but does not support getting a JWT (OIDC) token. All tokens expire after 24 hours.

Getting your client ID and secret

To get an access token, you need a client ID and secret. The mock data includes a client ID and secret that you use to get an access token. The following example shows how to get the client ID and secret.

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/units/clients'

The ID field contains your client ID, and the Secret field contains your secret.

  "cursor": "",
  "total": 1,
  "data": [
      "ID": "cb7b5eba670c41fa757410b811601b",
      "Secret": "f40fbf26d4e2c20de5772e4408589c",
      "Name": "Mock API Client",
      "IsExtension": false

Getting a user access token

To get a user access token, send a POST request to http://localhost:8080/auth/authorize.

The following table provides the list of query parameters that you must specify in the request.

Query Parameter Description
client_id The client ID that the generate sub-command created for you. To get the ID programmatically, see Getting your client ID and secret.
client_secret The client secret that the generate sub-command created for you. To get the secret programmatically, see Getting your client ID and secret.
grant_type Must be set to user_token.
user_id The user to get the token for.
scope A space-delimited list of scopes to request for the given user. For the required scopes, see the documentation for the endpoints you plan to call. Remember to URL-encode the list.

The following example shows how to get a user access token.

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/auth/authorize?client_id=cb7b5eba670c41fa757410b811601b&client_secret=f40fbf26d4e2c20de5772e4408589c&grant_type=user_token&user_id=29405430&scope=user:read:email%20user:edit'

The response does not include a refresh token.

  "access_token": "ebf5a366721754b",
  "refresh_token": "",
  "expires_in": 86399,
  "scope": [
  "token_type": "bearer"

Getting an app access token

To get an app access token, send a POST request to http://localhost:8080/auth/token.

The following table provides the list of query parameters that you must specify in the request.

Query Parameter Description
client_id The client ID that the generate sub-command created for you. To get the ID programmatically, see Getting your client ID and secret.
client_secret The client secret that the generate sub-command created for you. To get the secret programmatically, see Getting your client ID and secret.
grant_type Must be set to client_credentials.

The following example shows how to get an app access token.

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/auth/token?client_id=cb7b5eba670c41fa757410b811601b&client_secret=f40fbf26d4e2c20de5772e4408589c&grant_type=client_credentials'

The response does not include a refresh token.

  "access_token": "58e21972d01ab5b",
  "refresh_token": "",
  "expires_in": 86399,
  "scope": [],
  "token_type": "bearer"

Next steps

To learn how to trigger mock events for local webhook testing, see the event command.